Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
DLR-DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship No. 613: Advanced Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Alkaline Electrolyzer Diagnostics
Steigen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), um mit Forschung und Innovation die Zukunft mitzugestalten! Mit dem Know-how und der Neugier unserer 11.000 Mitarbeitenden aus 100 Nationen sowie unserer einzigartigen Infrastruktur, bieten wir ein spannendes und inspirierendes Arbeitsumfeld. Gemeinsam entwickeln wir nachhaltige Technologien und tragen so zur Lösung globaler Herausforderungen bei. Möchten Sie diese große Zukunftsaufgabe mit uns zusammen angehen? Dann ist Ihr Platz bei uns!
Our Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics in Stuttgart offers a DLR-DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship, DLR-DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship No. 613: Advanced Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Alkaline Electrolyzer Diagnostics
Das erwartet Sie:
Carbon dioxide emissions reduction become increasingly urgent for climate change mitigation. The main key to address this challenge is to use renewable energy sources particularly in the concept of renewable integrations in energy, mobility systems, and industry with Power-to-X solutions using green hydrogen. Germany has set out to become a global leader in the associated hydrogen technologies, and this is due in large part to Germany’s ambitious energy transition targets. Alkaline water electrolyser (AWE) is one of the most mature technologies but has still challenges of low current densities and part load capabilities, which need to be addressed. In addition, the investigation of long-term durability of AEW to gain knowledge about the service life of the system under different processing conditions and operating modes are particularly important.
In the system point of view, DLR is seeking a strategic positioning towards improving the AWE performance and durability using the optimization of processing conditions under different operating modes. This required a detailed and extensive trace and analysis of system response under different operation conditions. In this regard, electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy (EIS), in combination with performance and durability tests, will provide useful information to quantify the impact of the different operation conditions on the AWE efficiency and stability characteristics.There is an opening for a post-doctoral fellow to work in the area of AWE to operate the system and analyses the system response under different operation conditions using different analysis methods, such as I-V polarization curves, accelerated life tests (ALT) and accelerated stress tests (AST), and etc. The post-doctoral fellow, runs electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) extensively as a diagnostic tool and analyses it using mathematical circuit fitting in combination with the aforementioned techniques to quantify the effect of different operation conditions on the performance and durability of AWE reactor.
Please apply here: DLR-DAAD Research Fellowship Programme - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (
Further information and current vacancies: DLR Current offers - DAAD (
Das erwarten wir von Ihnen:
- Doctorate degree from an accredited university in the area of chemistry, physics, chemical and electrochemical engineering, process engineering, or relevant fields Must have earlier experience in electrochemical devices development and testing
- advanced knowledge in impedance spectroscopy and analysis are highly required
- experience in operating process engineering systems is important
- experience of alkaline water electroyser is a plus; Track record of scientific publication
Unser Angebot:
Das DLR steht für Vielfalt, Wertschätzung und Gleichstellung aller Menschen. Wir fördern eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten und die individuelle Weiterentwicklung unserer Mitarbeitenden im persönlichen und beruflichen Umfeld. Dafür stehen Ihnen unsere zahlreichen Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Chancengerechtigkeit ist uns ein besonderes Anliegen, wir möchten daher insbesondere den Anteil von Frauen in der Wissenschaft und Führung erhöhen. Bewerbungen schwerbehinderter Menschen bevorzugen wir bei fachlicher Eignung.
Weitere Angaben:
- Eintrittsdatum: sofort
- Dauer: initially for 12 months with a possible extension of one further year
- Vergütung: According to the DAAD remuneration guidelines
- Kennziffer: 94966
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